I am beginning to think that this bible book discovery is a joke. Now there’s a claim that new books found make the bible as we know it evil.
Well blow me over, as in my experience the basic principles of that Bible – the original 66 books- has stood the test of time, and over any other book – be it Torah, Macabes etc. Especially the principles about love, brotherhood and peace. Forget indoctrination as seems to be the focus of this new discovery on what’s evil and what’s pleasant, and what’s good.
Dont get it twisted! There are several stories in the Bible and messages for that matter that gets me wondering, pondering and ahh well.. But they aint nothing to hate the overall book over. I do wonder though why from one Book, even Jamaicans are caught up with their own ‘interpretations and eventual wanderings to create a new religion, or church and yes, even guide books on how to use the Bible.
The book I was taught is a map — a guide to either life or death depending on how you use it.
I rather the map to life.
So, easliy I shy away from any discussion, and argument that gets too natural and leaves out spiritual challenge, and thought. After all, it was written/translated by man and as long as man is involved the option is there to persuade as they see or FEEL fit.
Should you baptise in Jesus only, or the name of the father, son and holy ghost, or the trinity or God alone –Should it be with a teaspoon of water, oil or full imersion? Tricky sampling of exactly how people get into it and get all twisted.
I simply ask –How about — a need for baptism and its significance and result in one’s life. Let your spirit be your guide and be so open to conviction as the Biblecitself says — in the last days, no noe will need to says whats right or wrong.. knowledge will abound for the highest form and intelligence of creation.
Think it over. Tell me —
Here’s a link to the new article:
Bible history as we know it could change?
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